Space Technology Entrepreneur Dr. Richard Wylde Joins Weather Stream Ltd. Board of Directors

Weather data provider to leverage Wylde’s extensive experience and contacts to expand market reach


Edinburgh, Scotland, October 12, 2021 – Weather Stream Ltd., a leader in the collection, aggregation, and dissemination of Earth observation and weather data, today announced that Dr. Richard Wylde, managing director of Thomas Keating Ltd., has joined its board of directors. Wylde is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, a renowned expert on quasi-optical antennas and millimeter-wave instrumentation for Earth observation, and has been a significant contributor to space-based weather data collection missions for more than a decade.

Weather Stream Ltd. operates the International Centre for Earth Observation (ICED), a cloud-based platform for the aggregation and alignment of multiple commercial and government Earth observation and weather datasets. Utilizing artificial intelligence and advanced machine learning algorithms, ICED processes and grids disparate data into a uniform and easily accessible format that empowers users to quickly obtain and apply data to environmental, weather, and climate analytics models. ICED is designed to process and make data available within 15 minutes of ingestion, thereby providing unmatched timeliness in data availability.

“We are delighted to welcome Dr. Wylde to our board, and are looking forward to his guidance toward establishing our ICED platform as a leading source of timely and multi-sourced weather data for commercial and government applications,” said William Hosack, managing director and chairman of Weather Stream, Ltd. “We anticipate that his experiences in our sector will provide our management team with keen insights regarding the development of products and go-to-market strategies.”

ICED has proprietary access to data from the Global Earth Monitoring System (GEMS) constellation of Earth observation satellites, which will offer unique all-weather observation data at revisit rates approaching 15 minutes for any point on Earth, operated by its partner, U.S.-based Orbital Micro Systems (OMS).

“Having worked with the Weather Stream team, I am excited about helping the organization fulfill its potential to increase accessibility to high-value, temporal weather data,” said Wylde. “Weather Stream’s compelling technology and market expertise can significantly impact local, regional, and global economies.”

To learn more about ICED and Weather Stream Ltd. or to request sample data, please visit