Weather Record
Over-the-horizon weather insights on demand
The Weather RecordTM system provides rapid weather data processing and distribution in real-time. We quickly and efficiently collect and analyze global weather observations from shared global data sources, and will rapidly expand on them using our satellite constellation, equipped with passive microwave sounders.
We can target any region of the world to follow your requirements, providing alerts of extreme rainfall and severe weather directly from satellite observations.
We aim to provide early warnings of developing weather risks using low-latency satellite observations

Near-real time data
We are currently providing early access to our subscription services over specific areas of interest. Get in touch now through the Contact Us Form and we can discuss your data needs.
We provide up-to-date data acquired by satellite over globally inaccessible and under served regions which do not have coverage from ground-based solutions.
The Western Pacific Ocean is one such location, subject to typhoons and intense and rapidly-developing convective thunderstorms. Regular updates of satellite observations are key to protecting your assets and operations in these regions.
We can tailor delivery to fit your needs, in a NetCDF or GeoTiff file format, direct to the cloud so you receive instant, data-driven weather insights.
Example Data
This example image shows the latest rainfall data for the continental United States. While the images are generated hourly, the data is sourced from NASA satellites that have a delay of approximately 4-6 hours. The color bar shows precipitation rate in mm/hr, up to 80% of the maximum rate. Extreme rainfall, beyond the maximum rate shown in the color bar, will appear as the maximum color. The GeoTIFF version contains all precipitation rates without cropping the extremes.
Through our subscription service, similar precipitation rate PNG images and GeoTIFFs can be delivered automatically to your cloud or FTP server. The geographic area of interest is customizable to any location on the planet, and the delivery cycle can be as often as every half hour.