Our Radiometer Technology
We design, build, and operate state of the art passive microwave radiometer instruments to monitor the global environment.
Our planned constellation of satellites generate near-real time, global observations of the weather from surface to stratosphere across a 1700km swath.
Our satellites see the world through microwaves. These allow us to see global temperature, humidity, and precipitation beyond the horizon of typical ground observations. We match the capabilities of current operational weather satellites at a fraction of the cost – in all weather.
We have proven on-orbit capabilities through our GEMS satellite, successfully demonstrating the first commercial microwave radiometer in history.

Our GEMS satellites observe global weather in all conditions, which is combined with observations from international sources

We combine new physics models with advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to turn data into actionable knowledge

We deliver analysis ready data and novel insights to your organization to improve your weather awareness, resiliency and preparedness
Our Approach
We use machine learning and innovative physical models to generate actionable weather insights from these observations. We then merge them with any other publicly-available data, and deliver them to you in near-real time in any format you require, such as a NetCDF or GeoTIFF
We provide you with a powerful, data-driven system for more precise weather monitoring and decision support to better protect your assets and maximize your efficiency.

Nowcasting with Weather Record TM
Our satellites observe global weather in all conditions, which is combined with observations from international sources

Forecasting with Weather LockTM
Better short term warnings for severe weather, with 15-minute satellite driven updates
The Result
The result is a global, satellite monitoring system of weather data far beyond the capabilities of other sources, thanks to the world’s most advanced microwave radiometer technology.
With our advanced weather monitoring system, you’ll gain access to regular updates on global weather conditions, including precise storm positions, extreme weather tracking and offshore weather conditions.